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level crossing 〔英國〕(道路)平面交叉點,道口,岔口。

level curve

In order to enhance multi - level crossing bridge strength of g110 line in dawukou and meet the needs of the traffic development and safety , the checking process and the method of multi - level crossing bridge strength of g110 line in dawukou are described , the checking data and evaluation are presented , and some improving measures are put forward 摘要通過對g110線大武口公鐵立交大橋從初步排查,用儀器進行詳細檢測,到結構各項系數確定、驗算分析,最終得出承載力評定綜合意見及改造提高采取的主要技術措施等方面分步介紹,為危橋檢測及改造提供了科學的方法。

The tandem switch must first be connected to the transmission equipment providing 2 mbs ports and to the transmission equipment in other tandem area via high - speed ( e . g . 10 gbs ) transmission equipment , and then to digital access and cross - connect system ( dacs ) . it is further connected to the corresponding sdh sub - ring after the vc - 12 level cross - connection carried out by the dacs and finally reaches the end exchange 匯接交換機首先需要連接到提供2mbs端口的傳輸設備,而后經高速率的傳輸設備(如10gbs )到達其它匯接區的傳輸設備上,再接入到交叉連接設備( dacs )上,經dacs進行vc - 12級別的交叉連接,接到各個相應的sdh子環中,最終到達端局交換機。

First of all , both r & d labor and r & d capital input variables are introduced into the input vector , and a two - level ces production function model is constructed to describe the technology of production . then the firm - level cross - section data of shanghai ’ s main manufacturing industries in 2003 is employed to study the input - output effect of r & d as well as the substitution relationship among input factors . moreover , the thesis also makes a methodological discussion of multicollinearity , and proposes a feasible approach to deal with the problem 首先,在生產函數的投入要素向量中引入r & d投入變量,包括r & d人力投入和r & d資本投入;然后,結合相關的研究經驗和本文的研究目的,構建了相應的二級ces生產函數模型;在此基礎之上,采用2003年上海主要制造業企業的橫截面數據,分行業研究了r & d投入對產出的作用以及r & d投入與非r & d投入之間的替代關系。

Though the water levels cross one section are almost equal , the velocities differ greatly . at the some cross - section , the velocity in the in the quirk may be double as that on the floodplain . the water surface will rise hi the southern branch because of the improper diffluence ratio , if using the designed diffluence col 淮河入海水道河口段水位值橫向分布相差無幾,而流速的橫向變化較大,泓灘平均流速差最大可達一倍以上,在現有的分流口設計條件下,若按設計的南北汊分流比,南分流口有壅水現象發生,如果南汊分流增大到800m ~ 3 / s左右時,則水流較為通暢。

The interannual relationship between summer low level cross equator flow of 90 e and the precipitation of china has strenthened in the late 1970s . the possible reason is the relationship between the summer low level cross flow of 90 e and 500hpa height has strenthened in the late 1970s 夏季低空90 e附近越赤道氣流與東亞地區夏季500hpa高度的相關在1978年以后明顯增強,使得夏季低空90 e附近越赤道氣流與中國夏季降水的關系在1978年以后變得更為密切。

The setting up of a level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk within a planned urban area shall be decided by the railway transport enterprise , or the relevant enterprise owning the relating industrial railways or private sidings , or any other relevant unit jointly with the department in charge of city planning 在城市規劃區內設置平交道口或者人行過道,由鐵路運輸企業或者建有專用鐵路、鐵路專用線的企業或者其他單位和城市規劃主管部門共同決定。

The removal of an established level crossing or pedestrian cross - walk shall be decided by the railway transport enterprise , or the relevant enterprise owning the relating industrial railway or private siding , or any other relevant unit by agreement with the local people ' s government 拆除已經設置的平交道口或者人行過道,由鐵路運輸企業或者建有專用鐵路、鐵路專用線的企業或者其他單位和當地人民政府商定。

Application of high - effective intelligent route planning method , solve the complex path route plan in the multi - level crossing bridge , the specific line , has endured the good line , the high structure road , the auxiliary road and so on 采用高效的智能路線規劃算法,解決了立交橋、單行線、禁行線、高架路、輔路等復雜道路的路線規劃問題。

Whether the government and the kowloon - canton railway corporation have taken steps to prevent the occurrence of accidents at level crossings , and whether consideration has been given to reducing the number of such crossings 政府與九廣鐵路公司有否采取措施,防止在平交道發生交通意外及有否考慮減少平交道的數量?

This can bring bandwidth advantage into full play , enable transmission at 155 mbs not via 2 mbs level cross connection and facilitate load sharing by dual routes 這樣能夠最大限度地發揮帶寬優勢,無需經過2mbits級別的交叉連接,直接以155mbits速率進行傳遞,同時又容易進行雙路由負荷分擔。

Methods to adopt a mill - like method to obtain ( soaked in 10 % formalin more than 2 years ) thin level cross sections of a head and take digital photograph one by one 方法采用薄層冰凍銑切技術做顱腦標本的橫切面,并用數碼相機逐層照相。

Pedestrians and vehicles must , when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk , observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings 行人和車輛通過鐵路平交道口和人行過道時,必須遵守有關通行的規定。

The park gates , at the back , opened just near the level crossing of the colliery railway ; the shipley colliery itself stood just beyond the trees 屋后的園門是挨近礦場鐵道和大路的交叉點的,希勃萊礦場本身就在那些樹叢后邊。

Necessary signs and protective installations must be provided at level crossings or pedestrian cross - walks in conformity with relevant regulations 平交道口和人行過道必須按照規定設置必要的標志和防護設施。

Article 47 it shall be prohibited to install a level crossing or a pedestrian cross - walk without proper authorization 第四十七條禁止擅自在鐵路線路上鋪設平交道口和人行過道。

Widely applies in the building outline , various transportation multi - level crossing bridge and so on 廣泛應用于建筑物輪廓各交通立交橋歌舞廳等。

Fixed railway installations . track service and maintenance tools . level crossing scraper 鐵路固定裝置.鐵路使用和維護工具.水平交叉刮平器

Specifies global - level cross - process data collection control functions -指定全局級別(跨進程)的數據收集控制函數。

Calculation of the tree - level cross section of the process : tt - h in the standard model 過程的散射截面的樹圖級計算